Compare The Market – Car Finance Proposition

Compare the Market is one of Global Z’s top 100 brands and the UK’s leading price comparison site. It exists to make financial decision-making a breeze for everyone. I designed an innovative Car Finance proposition, moving at pace with a lean team; taking a business case to MVP in under six months. The product solves core customer problems with a unique approach.

I had the opportunity to design and deliver an innovative Car Finance proposition, part of a larger project to introduce a new comparison vertical with a compelling, differentiated offering. Compare the Market is one of Global Z’s top 100 brands and the UK’s leading price comparison site, known for its commitment to making financial decision-making a breeze for everyone.

Leading a lean cross-functional team, I took the Car Finance proposition from ideation to MVP in under six months, working at a fast pace and using lean methodologies to ensure efficiency and agility. My role involved driving the ideation and design process, as well as rapid prototyping to test and validate the concept. I then conducted quantitative and qualitative research with users, including vulnerable and impaired customers, to ensure the product solved core customer problems with a unique approach.

The user testing (summarised in the video above) successfully validated the unique customer value proposition, which was well received by our users. As a result, I defined and designed an MVP that validated business case metrics and facilitated learnings from customers.

Unfortunately, due to internal changes at Compare the Market, the Car Finance proposition was not launched to the market. Nevertheless, the project was a valuable learning experience, providing an opportunity to work on a high-profile project with a top 100 global brand and develop skills in agile product development, user research, and team leadership.